Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Yega Bomb

The moment I stepped out, I noticed couple of things - The man who was chasing people for alms wasn’t there anymore and the chilled breeze of Seattle started fondling me. I have always found her very very pristine and healthy. I savor every moment of her softness and never feel satiated. But this time it was different and pleasantly special – I wasn’t walking, I was wobbling. Mind was drifting as though keeping pace with the wind and very importantly the Thinking machine was off after a long long time.

Rajat, Umesh and me were walking towards Hotel Pan Pacific through the silent corridors of down town Seattle. As we reached the Hotel entrance, Umesh got ready to drive 20 miles back to his house in Bothell.

‘Drive safe and see you in the morning’, we said while he left.

The lift beeped stopping at floor number 4.

 ‘Don’t hesitate to call me for any help, I am in room no. 429’, Rajat said getting off the lift.

‘No, I am….’, the lift doors closed before I could complete.

I reached my hotel room, threw my shoes apart and stared through the large windows into the darkness for good two minutes. I tried every bit I could to keep the eyes open.

Nothing much changed since morning. The pavements were still painted white by the layer of snow. The only extra were the foot marks. Took deep a deep breath and pulled back the window curtains to fall flat into the cozy bed.

But I did not sleep, opened my laptop instead.

I wrote 4 emails. Every time I was about to click the SEND button, I expanded my eyes as wide as I could, held back the wandering mind very tightly, double checked every line I was furiously typing.

While all others were business emails, one was without Subject.

The bitter Pinot Noir in dinner and two glasses of the clear-juice-like Lemon Drop, the Tequila shot, Yega Bomb in a tiny glass suspended in Red Bull. I gulped them all with commendable ease. The result was complete bliss, the bliss of first high!


  1. @RT, wo thoda flattering hain yaar :P

  2. @Mandy, yaar long live dreams se shayad problem hain, kahin wo bus khwaab na reh jaye :P
    @Vidya, thnk u:)

  3. Great Abid! So, you know the feeling now. Highs are wonderful but the real fun begins on Lows after the Highs. I don't suggest that in 'videsh' though :)

  4. Great Abid! So, you know the feeling now. Highs are wonderful but the real fun begins on Lows after the Highs. I don't suggest that in 'videsh' though :)

    1. Yeah Vishal,I understanding the lows you are mentioning:D..btw one of the emails I wrote that night was to you too :P

  5. Kewl...absolute control on your senses even after the "SHOTS":)

    1. Kiran, don't know if it was just enuf 2 lose control, but yeah i will take it :) Thumbs up!!
